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Our Limitation of Liability

The materials in Mana Project’s Web Sites are provided “as is” and without warranties of any kind either expresses or indirect. To the fullest extent acceptable pursuant to applicable law, Mana Project disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy. Mana Project does not warrant that the functions contained in the materials will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that Mana Project’s Web Site or the server that makes them available are free of viruses or other harmful components.

Mana Project is not responsible or liable for any infections or contamination of your system or delays, inaccuracies, errors, or omissions arising out of your use of this site or with respect to the material contained on this site. Mana Project does not warrant or make any representations regarding the use or the results of the use of the materials in Mana Project’s Web Sites in terms of their correctness, accuracy, reliability, or otherwise. You (and not Mana Project) assume the entire cost of all necessary , repair or correction. Applicable law may not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusion may not apply to you. The names, images and logos identifying .com, Mana Project, any affiliated company or third parties and their products and services are proprietary marks of Mana Project, any affiliated company or third parties. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring by implication or otherwise any license or right under any trademark or patent of Mana Project or any other third party.

The material that you read in Mana Project’s Web Sites is provided solely for promotional purposes. The entire risk as to the quality, accuracy, adequacy, completeness, correctness and validity of any material rests with you. The information and opinions expressed in Discussions, Bulletin Boards, Chat Rooms, or other forums conducted on this site (“Forums”) are not necessarily those of Mana Project or its affiliated or related entities or content providers and Mana Project makes no representations or warranties regarding that information or those opinions. Furthermore, neither Mana Project nor its affiliated or related entities or its content providers are responsible or liable to any person or entity whatsoever (including, without lim­i­ta­tion, per­sons who may use or rely on such data/materials or to whom such data/​materials may be fur­nished) for any loss, dam­age (whether actual, con­se­quen­tial, puni­tive or oth­er­wise), injury, claim, lia­bil­ity or other cause of any kind or char­ac­ter what­so­ever based upon or result­ing from any infor­ma­tion or opin­ions pro­vided in Mana Project’s Web Sites. Notwith­stand­ing the fore­go­ing, in no event shall Mana Project’s total lia­bil­ity to you for any and all claims, dam­ages, losses, and causes of action (whether in con­tract or tort or oth­er­wise) exceed the amount paid by you, if any, for access­ing this site.


Although we wel­come your com­ments to this site, Mana Project does not accept unso­licited sub­mis­sions for con­tent and other prod­ucts. There­fore, you agree not to make any such sub­mis­sions to Mana Project through this site or oth­er­wise includ­ing con­tent ideas, story ideas, prod­uct ideas or designs. Notwith­stand­ing the fore­go­ing, if, in breach of these Terms of Use, you do send us a sub­mis­sion, you agree not to assert any own­er­ship right of any kind in the sub­mis­sion (includ­ing, but not lim­ited to copy­right, trade­mark, unfair com­pe­ti­tion, moral rights, or implied con­tract) and you waive the right to receive any finan­cial or other con­sid­er­a­tion in con­nec­tion with such unso­licited sub­mis­sion includ­ing, but not lim­ited to, credit. Any notes, message/​billboard post­ings, ideas, sug­ges­tions, con­cepts or other mate­r­ial sub­mit­ted will become the prop­erty of Mana Project through­out the uni­verse and Mana Project shall be enti­tled to use the mate­r­ial for any type of use for­ever includ­ing in any media whether now known or here­after devised. While we appre­ci­ate your com­ments, Mana Project can­not make a guar­an­tee that it will respond to your mes­sages. When you sub­mit mate­r­ial to Mana Project’s Web Sites, you agree that Mana Project has the right to pub­lish the mate­r­ial for any type of use as out­line above includ­ing pro­mo­tional and adver­tis­ing purposes.

Rules for Dis­cus­sions, Bul­letin Boards and Chatrooms:

Mana Project is not respon­si­ble for any mate­r­ial posted on the Forums. You shall not upload, trans­mit, dis­trib­ute or oth­er­wise pub­lish through

Such Forums Any Con­tent Which:

Libels, defames, invades pri­vacy or is obscene, porno­graphic, abu­sive, or threat­en­ing; Infringes any intel­lec­tual prop­erty right or any other right of any entity or per­son, includ­ing, but not lim­ited to, vio­lat­ing anyone’s copy­rights or trademarks

vio­lates any law, advo­cates ille­gal activ­ity; or Adver­tises or oth­er­wise solic­its funds or is a solic­i­ta­tion for goods or ser­vices. (Col­lec­tively “Non-​Approved Material”).

You agree to indem­nify Mana Project for any and all claims, dam­ages, losses, and causes of action aris­ing out of your pub­li­ca­tion or trans­mit­tal of Non-​Approved Mate­r­ial or your fail­ure to com­ply with these Terms of Use. While Mana Project does not and can­not review every mes­sage posted by users in the Forums and is not respon­si­ble for the con­tent of these mes­sages, Mana Project reserves the right to delete, move, or edit mes­sages that it, in its sole dis­cre­tion, deems abu­sive, defam­a­tory, obscene, in vio­la­tion of copy­right or trade­mark laws, or oth­er­wise unac­cept­able. Mana Project Online will fully coop­er­ate with any law enforce­ment author­i­ties or court order request­ing or direct­ing Mana Project to dis­close the iden­tity of any­one post­ing any such e-​mails or materials.

Denial of Access

Mana Project, for any rea­son and at its sole dis­cre­tion, may decide that any per­son shall be denied access to any Mana Project Web Site (a “Denial”). The send­ing of an e-​mail notice by Mana Project to any e-​mail address used by the per­son who is the sub­ject of a Denial shall con­sti­tute com­plete and suf­fi­cient notice of the Denial. By agree­ing to these Terms of Use, you agree to cease and desist imme­di­ately from any attempt to access any part of any Mana Project Web Site upon issuance to you of a Denial. If you do not so cease and desist, you hereby consent to an injunction, to be entered against you by a court of com­pe­tent jurisdiction as provided in these Terms of Use, per­ma­nently restrain­ing you from attempting to access any Mana Project Web Site.